How to Be a Professional
Freelance Writer

When asked how they envision a professional freelance writer, many people draw a picture of some strange, unkempt individual who is constantly wearing pajamas and has a gallon of coffee attached to him/her through an IV. Chain-smoking and sleeping during the day also often figure into these descriptions.

The sad thing about this otherwise hilarious stereotype is the fact that many freelancers that are only just starting their careers strive to imitate it. However, conforming to this image will bring you nothing but trouble. If you want to behave like a professional freelance writer, you need to remember the golden rule of any business: be a professional.

You must exhibit a certain level of class and organization in everything you do, including your clothes and habits. This will make other people take you more seriously. This requirement becomes mandatory if you need to contact your clients in person. No serious company will want to hire someone who comes to an official meeting (or logs into a video chat) wearing pajamas or oversized rags. You need to look smart and professional at every meeting, both personal and virtual. Feel free to indulge yourself in wearing your favorite XXXL-sized sweater when you are alone. However, remember that clothes influence our moods. Thus, it may be a smart choice to wear something smart when you are working.

Here are a few other tips that will teach you how to become a professional freelance writer:

  • Be concise and professional when talking to your customers.
  • As freelance writing is an area of business that often requires speedy reactions, you need to teach yourself to speak clearly and to the point. Explain your actions and choices to your customers in a way that will allow them to understand why making this particular decision is the best course of action in that case.

  • Ask many detailed questions about the project.

    You need to be sure that you can meet all of the customer’s needs perfectly. In order to do this, you will need to know every little thing about the assignment. Be sure to analyze it thoroughly and prepare a list of questions so that you don’t forget or miss anything important.

  • Negotiate the price.
  • Many clients want to get lower rates and discounts. Allow them this little victory. If a customer wants to work with you on a regular basis and is willing to provide adequate payment for your services, offering a small discount as a way of encouragement will do you a lot of good.
